Vision and Mission

I have written several times both in professional journals and in my blogs about the need to have a personal vision. A defined vision is both aspirational and inspirational. It is like answering the question, “What do I want to be when I grow up?” And a vision is not just some future or far off goal. A well-constructed and articulated vision helps you make decisions each day about what to do or perhaps not do. You can use your vision as a yard stick to answer this question. “How is what I am doing now going to contribute to achieving my vision?”

Also no one ever said your vision must remain the same to be valid. Mine has changed several times reflecting my own thinking, values, life and career circumstances and yes, hopes and dreams.

Similarly, my mission has evolved through the years and now reflects the fact that I work in several ways including consulting and training and I work through other organizations and through my own company.

With that as some background I want to share my own current vision and mission:



“My Vision is to help others achieve theirs.

Over the next 5 years I will work internationally at the top of my field as a project management consultant and as a trainer/speaker/presenter/coach helping to train, mentor and support other project managers and their colleagues. Helping over 1000 individuals reach their vision to be the best that they can be.”



“Through Carl Sergeant Consulting Inc. my mission is to deliver to both individuals and organizations the very highest quality coaching possible in targeted project management techniques and best practices. In addition to my consulting work, my mission is to also help people around the world improve the way they manage projects, contracts, requirements and vendors through innovative learning experiences I provide these through both ESI International and my own work with clients.”

 ~ Carl Sergeant